LANDSCAPE MAKER by Kevin O'Toole - RYU Software - Copyright(c) 1996 See the help file for registration information. Note that this applications output files are targeted for use by trueSpace. If you do not have trueSpace, this application will be of little use to you. Although LANDSCAPE MAKER works the same in all monitor modes, I recommend that you place you monitor into 64K High Color mode or 16M True Color mode when using LANDSCAPE MAKER. If you are using trueSpace, then your monitor is probably already in one of these modes. This ZIP file contains the following files: landmak.exe : Landscape Maker executable landmak.hlp : Landscape Maker help file cmdialog.vbx : VBasic custom control gauge.vbx : VBasic custom control threed.vbx : VBasic custom control readme.txt : This file scape1.bmp : Sample source file for Landscape Maker scape2.bmp : Sample source file for Landscape Maker color.bmp : Sample source file for Landscape Maker plug.bmp : Sample source file for Landscape Maker demo.bmp : Demonstration of RYU Software 3D object makers (some not yet available) Place the executable (*.exe) and help file (*.hlp) into any desired directory. I recommend that you place them into your trueSpace directory since this tools function is related to that application, but you can place it anywhere you like. Just keep these two files together. If you do not already have *.VBX files, then place these files into your windows system directory. If you already have the version of these files that are included here, you can discard this copy of them. The bitmap files are samples. You can do whatever you like with them. That's it for the setup. Have Fun!